2022 posters

2022 Posters

About the 2022 Poster Session

Each year at the annual conference, students, faculty and practitioners showcase their research in a poster session. Posters at TxABA must be related to behavior analysis. Poster submissions unrelated to the discipline will not be accepted. Prospective presenters should submit their poster using the link below.

The poster session at the 2022 conference will be held the evening of Friday, April 22.

Student Poster Competition

A student poster competition will be held during the 2022 poster session. Entering this competition requires no additional submission material beyond a normal poster submission.

Each poster will be assigned several poster sessions judges who are in charge of interacting with the poster competitor and scoring the poster and its presentation. Judges, made up of TxABA members and presenters, review each student entry and select two posters for Best Student Poster Award.

These judges will use a scoring sheet similar to this one that was used for the 2019 poster session. Please note that the precise format of this scoring sheet is subject to change.

There are typically 2-3 winners of the poster competition each year. The winners of the competition are awarded $200.

Below are listed the past recipients of the Student Poster Competition:


  • Catherine L. Williams - Response accuracy does not align with generalization during DTI
  • MacKenzie Wicker - Using Telehealth to Train Parents to Conduct Trial-Based Functional Analyses in Home


  • Courtney Clubb - An Evaluation of Variables that Contribute to Sharing in Children with Autism
  • Marisa Goodwin - Acquisition, Generalization, and Maintenance of Conversation Skills in Adults with Autism Participating in a Group-based Summer Training Program
  • Oanh Luc - A Behavioral Analysis of the Stroop Effect


  • Margaret R. Gifford - Conditioning Preferences for Choice-Making Opportunities through Histories of Differential Reinforcer Quality and Magnitude
  • Elizabeth Sansing - Teaching Observational Learning to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An In-Vivo and Video-Model Assessment
  • Brittany A. Zey - Teaching Peer Engagement with Reciprocal Activities


  • Abby Hodges - Using shaping to increase foods consumed by children with autism
  • Marilyse Tucker - Teaching Water Safety Skills to Children with Autism Using Behavioral Skills Training


  • Katherine Ledbetter-Cho - Effects of Behavioral Skills Training and In Situ Feedback on the Abduction-Prevention Skills of Children with Autism
  • Bridgette White - A Clinic-Based Assessment for Evaluating Job-Related Social Skills


  • Emily Hilz - A Bout Analysis of Feeding in Rats as a Function of Force and Ratio Requirements
  • Katie Wiskow - The Effects of Peer Responses on the Strength of Individual Novel Responses


  • Charity English - Effects of Delay and Magnitude Manipulation on Healthy Snack Choices by Typically Developing Children
  • Jelisa Scott - Using Stimulus Equivalence to Teach Face and Relationship Recognition to Older Adults with Dementia


  • Adeline Low - The Effects of Contriving the Relevant Establishing Operation When Teaching the "What" Mand-For-Information
  • Bailey Devine - Analysis of the Value Altering Function of Motivating Operations


  • Layla Abby - Teaching Self-employment Skills to Adults with Developmental Disabilities: An Analogue Analysis with a Recycling Business
  • Rachel Dove - It Might Leave a Bitter Taste in Your Mouth: The Effects of a Sucrose Fading Procedure on the Consumption of Alcohol

Conference Sponsors

TxABA would like to thank the following organizations for their sponsorship of the 2022 conference.